Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Where ever you go...

I walked across the Williamsburg Bridge yesterday just because you can. Half way across I spotted familiar graffiti. It is not just the internet that makes the world feel smaller.

I might be on vacation but I am still working. But I am not doing this one alone. I want you to write about your home town. Tell me why you stayed, why you left, what is different or the same and most importantly, how this affects you. Tell me about what you love about where you live and how it relates to where you grew up. Don't just tell me about your stifling small town and how you love New Orleans, tell me about your neighbors and neighborhood. Don't redefine "home" or "community" but tell me where you are from and how that makes you who you are. Send it to me by August 1st and don't forget to include a photo or drawing of the place you are writing about. This will be part of the second Where You From zine and it should be out in the early fall. So get to work. Leave a comment here and I will let you know where to send it. Now I'm going to sit in a coffee shop in Brooklyn for a while.